All the Twitter discussions about this American Idol bullshit with AT&T helping the winner win just tickle me! They say that AT&T helped sway a win! How is it not swaying a win when you let viewers vote as many times as they want? Would not our Presidential election be "swayed" if we let citizens vote as many times as they want?
If you're just coming to the blatant realization that American Idol is a crock of shit...I'm sorry. I'm also sorry that there is no phone number available to call and request a refund on the last 8 years of your life.
American Idol is nothing but an expensive, long, drawn out karaoke show. Just because you can hit high notes and sing a song that was made a hit by other artists, doesn't make you an artist let a long a musician.
And if any of you were wondering why the "FLAMER / SCREAMER" didn't win....here is my thoughts. Adam Lambert in many ways is more flamboyant than the late Liberace! American Idol is a pop culture reality television show which caters primarily to pre-pubescent girls, who of course fantasize about having their virginity snapped by one of these singers. Well, pre-pubescent girls quickly realize that they stand more of a chance being shagged by the dude who won, and not sissy, VERY GAY, Adam Lambert. So you see...the show really isn't about musical talent after all.
Let's have a show where real talent, all ages, all looks compete using their "OWN" musical, writing and composition skills. Then let's get some real producers as well as a non junkie who hasn't released a hit since I was in the 5th grade to actually judge...then let's put it on a Network which ISN'T FAMOUSLY KNOWN for bogus, deceitful and manipulative wastes of air time!