Thursday, December 31, 2009


To my partner Paul, thank you for an amazing year...which was filled with new adventures, commitments, trials which were overcome, new experiences and most especially a deep growth in our love. This new year, I walk hand and hand with you into new goals, prosperity, deeper bonding and much happiness!

To my family, both blood related and not. Thank you for your love, support and loyalty. You have all touched my heart in so many ways this year with suggestions, strength, and reassurance.

To my spiritual advisers, thank you for your faith in God, your faith in me. Thank you for your support in helping me see a bigger picture. You are all mentors to my soul in so many ways.

To my friends and acquaintances, thank you for your humor, laughter and support. Each of you complete a circle for me which makes life more fun, more lively, more exciting.

To my Twitter friends (Tweeps). Thank you for all of your tweets! Thank you for sharing 140 character or less briefs on your life and thank you for allowing me to share mine. It's because of all of you I see the visualization of true diversity...and it's beautiful!

To my clients, A BIG THANK YOU!

To each of you. May God bless you as we close the chapter in the first decade of this second millennium. May you and yours, find a year filled with happiness, good health, love and new dreams.


Eddie Weingart :)

Friday, November 6, 2009


As many of you know I'm in love with photography! I've begun a new Flickr group called iPAL, Influence: Pride and Love. It's a group for other photography buffs in the LGBT community to share such influential photo work as well as discussions, tips, and more! If you're on Flickr, please head over to iPAL and join!

Friday, October 30, 2009


The blog post regarding "The Drama" has been deleted. We went to court this afternoon as the Complainant, with my case as Defendant to be heard on Monday. Today the Defendant was found Not Guilty based on my blog post in which I was told by the judge, "I took the law into my own hands by posting the blog". Whatever. My Defendant case was dismissed by the Complainant. Paul and I are just glad this is all over so we can move on with our lives with the people who love and care about us. Thanks for all your support.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I'd be lying if I said the following video "isn't funny" but it's also quite sad. A black woman on a MUNI bus in San Francisco mouth off to an angry Chinese woman, she then hit the Chinese woman...and lets just say that the Chinese woman kicks her ass.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

5'10" + 125 lbs = TOO FAT?

This is just disturbing and disgusting. I ran across this article from Yahoo's Shine after a friend posted it on his Facebook wall. What is society coming too? Read it for yourself and tell me what you think!

Last week Ralph Lauren came under fire for (what looked to be) an extremely altered photo of a model in one of its ads. Bloggers at the website posted the image online, and lawyers for Ralph Lauren attempted to sue them for copyright infringement. Unfortunately for RL, this only furthered public interest and outrage over the dangerously-thin looking model and, eventually, the clothing company released this apology:

"For over 42 years we have built a brand based on quality and integrity. After further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman's body. We have addressed the problem and going forward will take every precaution to ensure that the caliber of our artwork represents our brand appropriately."

Unfortunately,"addressing the problem," may have included firing the model, 23-year-old Filippa Hamilton. She is 5'10" and weighs 120 lbs--clearly more full-bodied than the Photoshopped girl we see in the advertisement. Though Hamilton has modeled for Ralph Lauren since she was 15, the company let her go "as a result of her inability to meet the obligations under her contract with us." But the story gets worse: Hamilton says she was let go because she'd become too fat to model for them. "They fired me because they said I was overweight and I couldn't fit in their clothes anymore," she explained. "I was shocked to see that super skinny girl with my face...It's very sad, I think, that Ralph Lauren could do something like that."

Most of us know that a tall, young woman who weighs 120lbs is not overweight. But Hamilton claims Ralph Lauren was dissatisfied with her body, and, therefore, fired her six months ago. However, the company continued to use her image, whittling down her arms, waist, thighs, and possibly several other body parts in the above ad. If they were so unhappy with how she looked, why not get another model for the campaign? Why use the photos and alter and distort them?

Today, Ralph Lauren himself is distancing himself from the ad, claiming, "The image in question was mistakenly released and used in a department store in Japan and was not the approved image which ran in the U.S." So we're confused. They say the Photoshopping was an error, that Hamilton is "beautiful and healthy," yet they allegedly fired her for her size? With all these apologies and statements it sounds like the brand still has yet to accept responsibility for their actions.

When I searched for more images of Filippa Hamilton, I instantly remembered her--she was the face of RL's fragrance, Romance, has been featured on the cover of international editions of Vogue and Elle, along with many ads. She's a gorgeous woman. "I think they [Ralph Lauren] owe American women an apology, a big apology," says Hamilton. "I'm very proud of what I look like, and I think a role model should look healthy."

The truth is, models get fired or overlooked all the time for being what the industry considers overweight, we just rarely see or hear about it. Eating disorders are not only common among models, they're common among the women and young girls who emulate them. We're happy to see that Hamilton has come forward, and wish more models and celebrities would do the same. It's awesome and empowering when stars admit they've been Photoshopped for an ad or movie poster and say how dissatisfied they are about it. With foreign countries banning underweight models from fashion week, and the increasing presence of "plus size" models in women's magazines, we wish the unhealthy representation and falsified depiction of models--and women--would come to an end entirely. Do you think the day will ever come?

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Yup, you read the title go check out this awesome and well done video that my friend Stephen posted on his Facebook. The kids definitely a hottie to for an added bonus! :D

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Over the last couple of hours I have been bombarded in emails and messages on sites such a Twitter and Facebook with comments regarding my last post, NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD BOYCOTT THE NFL. Many people shared my understanding and disgust, but some others don't understand "what the big deal is all about". So I had to take some time to come up with a general, deatailed conclussion...and I hope this helps...

First of all you need to ask yourself if you believe, support and promote the protection of Animals. This doesn't mean you have to identify as some radical, PETA supporting activist. But ask yourself the following questions:
1) Do I own an animal as a pet?
2) Do I believe they are dependent on humans?
3) Is there life less important than other lives dependant on people, i.e. children, senior citizens, minorities?
4) How serious is animal abuse and killing animals to me?

Now let me compare this controversial situation to something that may better help your relate to what's going on.

  • I'm a proud, loving parent of children. An NFL player takes my child(ren) and abuses them by means of beating, kicking, drowning, electricution, starvation, cutting, stabbing, choking, strangling, then joins others in wagering money and valuables on the chanches of their survival. This NFL player is caught, lies over and over to his commisioner, authorities and court. Is sentenced lightly to 23 months in prison, gets out and is quickly reinstated by the NFL later to be signed by a team as quarterback. How does this make me feel? Am I outraged? Should he be privelaged to play professionally in a way that so many people look up to him?
  • I'm an African American. An NFL player takes a fellow African American and abuses them by means of beating, kicking, drowning, electricution, starvation, cutting, stabbing, choking, strangling, then joins others in wagering money and valuables on the chanches of their survival. This NFL player is caught, lies over and over to his commisioner, authorities and court. Is sentenced lightly to 23 months in prison, gets out and is quickly reinstated by the NFL later to be signed by a team as quarterback. How does this make me feel? Am I outraged? Should he be privelaged to play professionally in a way that so many people look up to him?
  • I'm a Gay or Lesbian person. An NFL player takes a fellow Gay or Lesbian person from my community and abuses them by means of beating, kicking, drowning, electricution, starvation, cutting, stabbing, choking, strangling, then joins others in wagering money and valuables on the chanches of their survival. This NFL player is caught, lies over and over to his commisioner, authorities and court. Is sentenced lightly to 23 months in prison, gets out and is quickly reinstated by the NFL later to be signed by a team as quarterback. How does this make me feel? Am I outraged? Should he be privelaged to play professionally in a way that so many people look up to him?
  • I'm a friend or family member of somebody with a disability. An NFL player takes my diabled friend or family member and abuses them by means of beating, kicking, drowning, electricution, starvation, cutting, stabbing, choking, strangling, then joins others in wagering money and valuables on the chanches of their survival. This NFL player is caught, lies over and over to his commisioner, authorities and court. Is sentenced lightly to 23 months in prison, gets out and is quickly reinstated by the NFL later to be signed by a team as quarterback. How does this make me feel? Am I outraged? Should he be privelaged to play professionally in a way that so many people look up to him?
  • I'm a lover of animals and own one or several. I believe in protecting them since they are dependent on me. I believe they are living, breathing creatures that feel love, fear, pain and stress. An NFL player takes one of my animals and abuses them by means of beating, kicking, drowning, electricution, starvation, cutting, stabbing, choking, strangling, then joins others in wagering money and valuables on the chanches of their survival. This NFL player is caught, lies over and over to his commisioner, authorities and court. Is sentenced lightly to 23 months in prison, gets out and is quickly reinstated by the NFL later to be signed by a team as quarterback. How does this make me feel? Am I outraged? Should he be privelaged to play professionally in a way that so many people look up to him?

This is how me an MANY OTHER PEOPLE feel. We understand he "did his time", whether that was enought time for such a horrific act, that's not the point. What is the point is that this violent, lying human being is being privelaged to play in a sport where so many people look up to the players as role models, mentors and leaders. The world sees it as, "they were only dogs". There is no way in hell the NFL would reinstate a player in one of the above mentioned scenarios.

Think about this! Discuss this! Discern it! Pray about it! THIS IS JUST PLAIN WRONG!


I don't even know where to begin with this nightmare of publicity, greed and hypocrisy regarding Michael Vick. I was utterly disgusted to learn about Vick's reinstatement last month by NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell. I'm even more disgusted to learn that the NFC East, Philadelphia Eagles has signed Michael Vick.

I'm a longtime fan of football at large, especially the NFL. I was no different than other young football loving boys who though at one time, "maybe I have what it takes". You grow up to learn that those who play professionally have more than a love for the sport, they have a gift and are given the privilege of playing on an NFL team. I can't even begin to tell you how many NFL players helped shape my childhood...without ever coming into contact with me. I looked up to these "stranger" as role models and in a sense, a mentor. Unfortunately as I got older, the NFL started to look less grand and encouraging as it did to me as a child. All of a sudden there are scandals, cheating, criminal activity, etc. For the most part, these problems work themselves out over time. You might not agree with the length of time it takes or what fans have to do to get the attention on the matter...but eventually good overtakes the bad...and you accept that as satisfactory.

But now we face an issue totally different, very, very disturbing. We face the violent criminal activity, evasion of truth, and manipulations of ex Atlanta Falcons quarterback, Michael Vick. After much lies and deceit, Michael Vick finally plead guilty to multiple accounts of animal abuse and neglect related to his dog fighting underground. One might not understand how he, or anyone takes a dog and turns them violent. The answer is constant barbaric physical and mental abuse...punching, hitting, electric shocking, cutting, drowning, kicking, starving of dogs...bringing them to a violent point of surviving. One might also not understand that the underground of dog fighting is not wagering on something like a boxing match where there's a possible knockout or judging of, a dog fight is a fight to kill. Two (and sometimes more) very violent, very abused, very neglected, very violent dogs are presented to each other where they fight until death. In many cases both die, as the "winner" dies later for severe loss of blood, infection, torn muscles and or ligaments, broken bones, eternal bleeding, shock, and so on. Michael Vick wasn't just a participant in this activity, he was a long time coordinator and master mind.

In 2007 he was arrested. While free on bail he tested positive to narcotics in a drug test. Vick repeatedly lied about any participation in his activities to the NFL Commissioner...later he finally plead guilty in court. He was given a light prison sentence of 2 years which he served. After being released from prison, talk immediately started to buzz on Vick's return to the NFL. Now, months later he is reinstated, signed as quarterback and waiting for his light terms to end so he can play. This has caused outrage. The African American community immediately came to Vick's aid...almost deeming that it would be racist to not reinstate Vick. Other supporters of the dog-murderer quote deceased, crime affiliated rap artists such as Tupac Shakur, saying "Only God Can Judge Me". On the other side of the fence there are rational people such as myself who see a VIOLENT, LYING, MANIPULATING, CARELESS, ASSHOLE being privileged to regain play and status in the NFL. What people fail to understand is this is not a second chance....Vick received his second chance when he was released from prison. End of story. There should be no talk of second chance in the NFL...he blew that when he did what he did. I compare it to a violent felon who is released from prison and wants to join the military, police department, fire department, etc. Those are civic duties of privilege and responsibility, and though the NFL is much different than civic occupation, it too is a position of privilege and responsibility. It should never have allowance or tolerance for violent offenders such as rapists, murders, pedophiles, dog killers.

What turns this even more into a tail spin is when two years ago, Philadelphia Eagles owner, Jeffrey Lurie stated:

We're very disciplined in what we stand for...a few years ago we had a couple players who were, to put this nicely, not very respectful of their dogs. Well, we don't respect that. We don't do that. And they were gone from the team almost immediately if not immediately. That sets a tone, that these kinds of attitudes are unacceptable."

But now, Michael Vick is signed on a quarter back of Mr. Lurie's team, with the possibility of making $1.6 million in his first season.

I have no doubt that his has nothing to do with publicity, it has to do with money...greedy desperation to hire some good playing low-life to possibly bring your team to a win. People are primarily upset with the Eagle's where I'm even more upset with the NFL for allowing this man to play for ANY TEAM. And in that realization, for the first time in my life...I will FULLY boycott the NFL...including my beloved Greenbay Packers. I will not watch a game, I will not attend a game, I will not buy merchandise and I will loudly and publicly voice my strong and unfailing opposition the NFL until Michael Vick is removed. This hurts, this hurts bad but I have to stand up to this, EVERYONE MUST STAND UP TO THIS! If the man failed to pay parking tickets, got drunk at a party and ran down the street naked, or something non violently offensive...I wouldn't be as opposed. But this is an abusive, convicted dog destroyer. Not someone who neglects a dog by not giving fresh water, cleaning up after them, or taking them to the vet when they need medical attention....THIS IS A MAN WHO FOR A VERY LONG TIME, TORTURED AND MUTILATED NUMEROUS DOGS ALL IN THE NAME OF MONEY.

Stand up for society, stand up for good justice, stand up for the protection of animals and STAND UP FOR THE SAKE OF COMMON SENSE....BOYCOTT THE NFL TODAY!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


....Continued from the July 21 post, "ONE RINGY DINGY...TWO RINGY DINGY"

This time last year we have literally spent every night talking to each other on the phone. Every time I would talk to Paul I found myself even more captivated by his interests, beliefs, passion, creativity and most especially his humor. It's no joke that early off I had developed a "crush" but now, mysteriously, I've been developing other feelings. "Why do I feel this way, how do I make it stop" are all questions I continuously asked myself.

I've always has three cardinal rules. These are rules that not only I followed, but rules I felt the need to point out to friends and/or family should they break them.

1) No long distance dating/relationships.
2) No relationships for at least 18 months after coming out of a long term relationship.
3) No falling for someone of the Internet.

Of course, I never thought these rules were unreasonable. In fact I never saw them as "rules" as much as I saw them as instincts. But night after night, I really found myself starting to fall for this Paul. The more I tried to fight it, the deeper my feelings got. I remember lying in my bed, during the middle of the night (I imagine he was doing the same thing) telling each other how awesome it would be to just cuddle up and talk face to face, unfortunately 3,000 miles separated us. This time last year his apartment's air conditioning unit was on the fritz, he was miserable because of the heat and would always tell me that I wouldn't want to be there for that. "Nonsense" I'd reply, "I'd sweat my ass of like a pig if it meant I could just see you, touch you...kiss you".

In so many ways Paul seemed like a fantasy, a very beautiful, magical and unfair fantasy. Of course I talked about him to all of my friends. Many of them thought I was nuts for even pursuing such a thing, while many others encouraged me to believe in the unbelievable, to gain drive from my feeling, to tell him how I feel! "TELL HIM HOW I FEEL?" Well that just sounded like the most asinine advice ever. Tell this amazing, charming, beautiful, interesting stud muffin how I fell when he probably doesn't even remotely feel that way about me....or does he? I thought about it for a few days.

The evening of August 4, 2008 Paul and I started out one of our fabulous all night conversations...which carried over into the VERY EARLY morning of August 5, 2009. All of a sudden in the middle in something we will just say, "doesn't matter", Paul told me how he would give anything just to kiss me right now. WHOA IS ME! Really? I had to tell him. I had to tell him that as insane as it sounds, I'm falling in love with him. That he has ignited my heart and soul like I never knew possible, that every thought is him, that I smile and sometimes cry just thinking about him, that he brings out creativity and sound in my guitar music, that I get the chills all over my body when I take a deep breath in and think of him...I had to tell all of this to this marvelous stranger. But if course it's not that easy. I don't have the balls to just come out and say "I LOVE YOU" in this most perfect moment on the telephone. So instead I resorted to my middle school experiences of hinting about it, telling him I have something to tell him but I'm scared too. Whoa is me, he caught my bluff and told me the same thing..."I have something to tell you but I'm scared, I can't say it". This is where the rest of the conversation became a haze. But somewhere in that magical moment 1 year ago today, we told each other "I LOVE YOU".

One year ago today, I broke my cardinal rules which were rules "society" actually says one should live by. One year ago I went out on a limb and listened to my heart...and nothing else. One year ago today, my dream came true. That trust in love has led to the proof that Paul and I share a deep, mind-blowing love that knows no limits, no boundaries, no conditions. It wasn't easy making this work. Remember, we we're 3,000 miles away...but we didn't let that stop us. Those we're 3,000 miles in a country we both live in. We have telephones, Internet, cards to mail, letters to right....then airplanes to fly on. And we used everyone of those resources. I finally got out to Paul in October....which I will write about more in October. I can't spill all story in one blog, I've got to keep you coming back for more so you can see what happened, how we're now living together, with no mileage separation ever again.

Paul, thank you for the most amazing year in this boy's 30 years of life. Everyday you still find those ways to take my breath away and leave me in awe. You have become the most important person and center of my life. I can't imagine a day without you beside me. You strengthen my Faith, Hope and Love in God who can only create such beauty, this love we share. One year down....with a lifetime to go! I love you Baby, from the bottom of my heart!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


As many of you know, I owned an iPhone made by Apple for a little over 4 was the worse piece of shit that I had ever purchased in my life! I never liked Apple to begin with (which was my first mistake in purchasing an iPhone), I hated the company even more once I was done with the 24 hour process of getting a full refund on the device.

Anyhow, the shit company is at it still with "apps" (iPhone applications)...even on the newest released iPhone. Many people, such as myself have been anxiously awaiting the release of the invite only Google Voice, a single phone number with a mobile app that allows you to choose to where to ring! i.e. home, office, mobile and even all three at once! You can SMS from your Google Voice phone number, listen in on calls before accepting them, and even read your voice mail, transcribed...ALL FOR FREE! Sadly but not surprisingly, Apple rejected the Google Voice app. So those who own the second most expensive piece of shit on earth (first being a Ford) have no access to this free and fabulously convenient technology.

But this isn't where the story ends...several months ago Apple did approve and accept some apps for the iPhone. Here are two examples...

1) BABY SHAKER - A purchasable game (finally now pulled) for iPhone which used the device motion sensors. A crying baby appears on the screen and you shake your iPhone until a red "X" appears over the baby's eyes, thus telling you that you killed the baby. Society knows this as "Shaken Baby Syndrome".

2) iFARTED - Yes, a purchasable app that meters and rates your flatulence and allows you to share and compare results with other users.

So obviously there's a motive behind Apple rejecting the Google Voice app. Perhaps they will mimic the technology and charge iPhone owners a fee to download and use it. It's ridiculous. Now if you want to be able to download all the apps other device owners are able to such as Blackberry, HTC, Nokia, Palm, can pay someone (who may or may not know what they're doing) to "jailbreak" your iPhone, which then unlocks it to do things other phones have been able to do for years... unfortunately there is no guarantee to how this will effect your phone and it does void your Apple warranty.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


In Volterra, Italy maximum security prison inmates are doing time for offenses such as armed robbery and murder. Now you may think they're working hard at producing license plates, or cooking up prison meals...and perhaps some of the prison population are, but the others are doing time in totally different way!

About half of Italy's prison have a theater program! That's right...plays and musicals, performed by Italian convicts, and in many cases...performed quite exratodinarily. Supposedly one prison program, "Compagnia della Fortezza" is quite the act, winner of several Italian theater awards, the prestigious kind. Right now the more popular program is working on production for "Alice in Wonderland, a Theatrical Essay on the End of a Civilization" which is partially based on Lewis Carroll's popular book.

Many of these theatrical permanences have toured Italy, but not everyone gets to participate. For an inmate to go on tour, consideration is taken in regards to the remaining time left to serve, potential risk of danger to society as well as the inmate's psyhcological condition.

Read more about this here

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


….continued from the last post, “IT’S ALL BECAUSE OF HIM”

3-4 days after that first MySpace message, I asked Paul in one of our AIM chats if it was ok to call him, he said indeed it was. He gave me his number and told me to ask for Humphrey…because that was his real name. “Humphrey?”, I though. In a way I felt awful for the 26 year old with such a hideous name. But I immediately stopped what I was doing and grabbed my phone. After the second ring I was greeted by a hello so I reply, “Humphrey?”…he starts laughing. I then find out he has his first experience of pulling one over on this blonde…which so many people do, because sometimes I just don’t catch on to little jokes like that so quickly.

Emails, AIM chats and MySpace messages between Paul and I have almost entirely died down…because we spend so much time on the phone. We had both taken a liking to conversing with each other in what most people would consider VERY LONG PHONE CALLS. I remember I would start out in the early evening on my cell phone, then when that battery was drained I would call him (or he would call me back) on the LAN line…without actually disconnecting. During this time, my cell phone was charging because inevitably I would drain the LAN line and need to re-transition back over to my cell phone. I remember one of our conversations being slightly over 8 hours….and not to mention there was a considerable 3 hour time difference in between us, so we ended a call when the sun was coming up in California, which meant the sun had been out for quite a while in Virginia!

Phone conversations with Paul were like nothing else I can explain. Day by day we were finding out so much about each other. We we’re also finding out so much that we both have in common, such as: we’re both avid Roseanne show fans, we both have an agreeable dislike for drag queens, we both LOVE chocolate milk, we both love music, and we both…most definitely have a witty and at times, twisted sense of humor.

Every conversation on the phone would end with a “I so don’t want to get off the phone with you” or the “it doesn’t feel like we’ve been on the phone for 6 hours”. I believe it was the 3rd phone conversation where Paul actually fell asleep on me! Was I insulted? Of course not…it was adorable, but I made him think I was the next day in an email.

After each phone call, I always looked forward to the next one more and more. I was finding myself during the middle of the day laughing at something Paul had said, and then of course I would quickly look around me so I didn’t look like a lone idiot, laughing out loud at nothing. I would also think of a lot of things to as Paul later that night. I would see things, eat things, drink things, listen to things…and always wonder, “Would Paul like this?”

Stay tuned for more posts that lead up to August 5, 2008....the beginning of our relationship!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


1 year ago today, I was sitting at home in Victorville, CA flustered, depressed and unknowing. I ran a group on the MySpace network for Gay and Lesbian Roman Catholics. It was a group giving an open space and opportunity for people gay catholics, such as myself to network, rant, rave, express their feelings (often feelings of disgust towards our Church)within our circle. Whenever time would allow, I would sit down and do a MySpace user search. The search criteria would be made open to gender, age, location but I would specify "gay" for sexual orientation and "Catholic" for religious preference. I also would select, "most recent online users" so that I would encounter new individuals each time I conducted a search. Every time I did so, thousands upon thousands of MySpace users would pop up. I wouldn't really pay much attention to their profile details or even their profile photo. I would simply open their profile in a new window, and paste a generic message that I had used for months, then send it off. The message introduced myself...telling people a little bit about myself, my goal and quick summary of the group. I extended an open invitation to the everyone. Now that I think about it, I probably sent that message to certain people multiple times!

Not everyone joined the group, understandably. Sometimes I would receive a message back in response, often times I wouldn't. If I did, it was typically a brief praise for taking the time out to promote and moderate such a group and other times it was people telling me to "suck a fat dick" or "I hate the Church and everything "it" stand for". My favorite actually was the, "How can you be Gay and Catholics...that's pathetic". But on Monday July 14, 2008 I got quite a different response. It read something along the lines of

"Thank you for taking the time to invite me to your group. Unfortunately I don't think it would be right for me to join but I think it's awesome that you have such a group and if you ever need my support, holla at me".

That's not exactly what it said, but somewhere along the lines. Typically I wouldn't reply back to a message along that lines, but that day I did. I replied back saying something along the lines of, "Thank you so much for your recognition, it helps to know that my time doesn't go unnoticed. Sorry to hear the group isn't for you and I hope I didn't cause you any insult by my mass email. If you ever want to chat, or have any questions I can answer, please don't hesitate to contact me. My name is Eddie...what's yours?"

At this time, I had just gotten out of a 7 year relationship and by all means WAS NOT LOOKING. Truth be told, at this point I still hadn't opened up this guy's profile to read his details or look at his photo album...little did I know I was talking to a beautiful, funny, creative, and Mariah Carey and Good Charlotte loving, 26 year old named Paul who lived in Virginia Beach, VA.

Several more emails were sent over the next 24 hours. Paul was just getting ready to start a new job. I was just starting of a Catholic charismatic prayer group, it was a busy summer, I was living with my ex....but somehow something was starting to develop as the emails transitioned to phone calls....long....all night phone calls.

Stay tuned for more posts that lead up to August 5, 2008....the beginning of our relationship!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


All the Twitter discussions about this American Idol bullshit with AT&T helping the winner win just tickle me! They say that AT&T helped sway a win! How is it not swaying a win when you let viewers vote as many times as they want? Would not our Presidential election be "swayed" if we let citizens vote as many times as they want?

If you're just coming to the blatant realization that American Idol is a crock of shit...I'm sorry. I'm also sorry that there is no phone number available to call and request a refund on the last 8 years of your life.

American Idol is nothing but an expensive, long, drawn out karaoke show. Just because you can hit high notes and sing a song that was made a hit by other artists, doesn't make you an artist let a long a musician.

And if any of you were wondering why the "FLAMER / SCREAMER" didn't is my thoughts. Adam Lambert in many ways is more flamboyant than the late Liberace! American Idol is a pop culture reality television show which caters primarily to pre-pubescent girls, who of course fantasize about having their virginity snapped by one of these singers. Well, pre-pubescent girls quickly realize that they stand more of a chance being shagged by the dude who won, and not sissy, VERY GAY, Adam Lambert. So you see...the show really isn't about musical talent after all.

Let's have a show where real talent, all ages, all looks compete using their "OWN" musical, writing and composition skills. Then let's get some real producers as well as a non junkie who hasn't released a hit since I was in the 5th grade to actually judge...then let's put it on a Network which ISN'T FAMOUSLY KNOWN for bogus, deceitful and manipulative wastes of air time!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Here is a hillarious paradoy from Miss California!  DUMB BITCH!

Friday, May 1, 2009


The origin of the H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic has been found!


A high ranking aquantaince of mine from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) just relayed to me in an annonymous tip that H1N1 is REALLY an STD that R2D2 contracted from C3PO because he was sleeping around with other droids! WOW! So the whole "SWINE FLU" name is a cover up! It's really "ANDROID FLU"! So have you had unprotectd android sex lately? If so, GET TESTED NOW!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Cheddar Jalapeño Cheetos ARE THE SHIT!

Life really doesn't get much better than this!  I'M ADDICTED!

Friday, March 13, 2009


I WOULD KILL FOR A BAJA STYLE FISH TACO RIGHT NOW! I can't even think of anywhere in this area where I could get one let a lone that would taste close to the real thing like I know and love. DAMN IT!

Lenten Friday's aren't supposed to be like this! LOL!


So...since it's been made public that one of Hip Hop's icons, Chris Brown beat his significant other Rhianna a few weeks ago, does this mean Hip Hop will finally kill off and go six feet under?  Let us hope!  What are your thoughts on that whole ordeal?  And to believe it was all over a fuckin text message?  Geez Louize!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Did you all think I pulled a mind blowing vanishing act? We're your lives miserable without me? Of course they were! Well as many of you know I did a little relocation from sunny Southern California to not so sunny Virginia Beach, Virginia. I'm here, in my new place, unpacked and HAPPY! So I'm back, at your service! Me, my man and his friend took a trip up to Washington a few days's a little digital postcard from yours truly! HUGS!

Monday, February 16, 2009


For it's 20th anniversary (which makes me feel old as fuck), Hasbro is bringing the classic Super Soaker, complete with poignant 1989 neon, back to market. Is that not a trip or what?

I remember this being a total "must have"! I remember you were placed in the adolescent class system based on the size up your Super Soaker and whether or not it was Hasbro or generic.

The peaceful lives of less patient elderly adults were dramatically changed when this nice peace of aqua arsenal came along!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


Prankster youth throughout several cities in the US have been having fun with mobile road signs, changing their messages to humorous ones. Not surprisingly this has residents and authorities worried and "on alert".

YOU'VE GOT BE KIDDING ME? With all the problems that plague our country, not to mention the state our economy is in...this is really that troublesome? Today one of these mobile signs in Lubbock, TX which was programed to read "Frankford, exit next right" now reads "OMG The British are coming, they are watching you". Many sensible people, myself included find these harmless jokes funny as well as an opportunity to giggle during these stressing times. Motorist Javier Castaneda passes by the sign every day and found the warning humorous. "I think it would probably wake some people up. Get them wondering where the heck they're going. If anything it's original. I think it's pretty harmless for the most part," he said. The Texas DOT feels it may make you laugh, but says changing a traffic sign is a serious offense. "It's serious because they do display important information. It's almost the same thing as removing a stop sign," said Dianah Ascencio of TxDOT.

Anyhow, this just really ticks me off that anyone would be so concerned over something like that.

Friday, February 6, 2009


So as you know, I'm leaving Southern California and moving to Virginia on Friday! I've totally procrastinated on a project I was hoping to have done by now! I wanted to make and awesome mix CD loaded with great songs which carry a GOODBYE/FAREWELL theme that I can give to all of my friends! I'm totally dead stumped on some track ideas and NEED YOUR HELP!

Do you know of some great songs with the appropriate them that I can add to this mix? I'm interested and open to all genres and time period! Please comment this post with as many recommendations that you have! PLEASE be sure to provide both the ARTIST AND SONG TITLE!


Thursday, February 5, 2009


This video just "broke my heart" and really did make me shed a few tears. As many of you know, 18,000 California same-sex couples finally had the opportunity to say "I DO" last year. And now these asshole/homophobic/self righteous hypocrites want to take away that life changing moment these very in love couples have.

As I blogged yesterday: On March 5, 2009 the California Supreme Court will hear arguments regarding this and the constitutionality of Prop 8. WE MUST NOT GIVE UP THE FIGHT! We have come this far and will see this all the way through...when equality and civil rights apply to ALL US CITIZENS!

Please watch this video, share this video, talk about this video and someway, somehow get more involved in the fight! LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD...LOUD, STRONG AND PROUD!


"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


WOW! Those who designed this toy and especially it's advertising campaign most definitely were smoking some type of good crack! Who on earth would buy this for their child? And what fucking child would even want something so demonic like? LMAO!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


CALIFORNIA State Supreme Court will hear arguments on March 5, 2009 in regards to overturning Proposition 8 which won the vote last November by 52%.

This actually stands a good chance of being overturned! Great lawyers have been in place for months preparing for this. A conclusion by the Supreme Court will most likely be give within 90 days! It's time to get your voice going again if you got quiet over the past couple of months.

Let's pray that justice is given and the freedom of equality is returned to the people of California!



So I went to this site with some GREAT questions, but only 12 of them!!! I mean come on, these were questions regarding mainstream ethics in line with society and government! In a 2 minute survey you're going to predict my political ideology? So here's my results.

What political ideology do you have?
Your Result: Democratic Socialist

You are the standard European socialist who believes that the government should spend large amounts of money on social welfare programs. You also believe that these social welfare programs are mandated by the people who vote in your ideal democratic government

Authoritarian Capitalist

WOW!!! DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST? I love the part that states, "You are the standard European socialist who believes that the government should spend large amounts of money on social welfare programs." I thought I viewed welfare a little differently, but I'm glad this dandy little fucking survey was available to REALLY tell me how I feel!

So always remember...these surveys are meant to be a JOKE. It's not something you should post on your social site home pages like a drawing on a refrigerator of some purple and green elephant some kid drew in kindergarten!

Monday, February 2, 2009


How some people can't stand leftovers! FUCKING A BOO BOO! They're the best! For those of you who don't like it because you're so high on your horse that you feel less classy if you eat something you made the night before or is it because your cooking sucked culo so bad the first time around that you would be clinically insane to refrigerate it and microwave it for round two the following day? LOL!


ALWAYS REMEMBER...Leftovers make the best:

- Omelets
- Soups
- Casseroles
- Pot Pies

Friday, January 30, 2009


WOW! Well I'm certainly not a Lifetime Network viewer but when I found out they made a Lifetime Original Movie, PRAYERS FOR BOBBY based on Leroy Aarons book...I knew I had to record and watch it.

This film is about a Walnut Creek, CA family in the last 70's/early 80's, particularly the mother Mary Griffith (Sigourney Weaver) and her gay son, Bobby Griffith (Ryan Kelley). The story it's self is unfortunately one we've heard over and over again...a young queer teen struggling to accept their homosexuality and finally mustering all inner strength to "come out" to their family, only to find no acceptance or support from the family or in this circumstance the Bible thumping mother who believes all homosexuality to be an abomination and curable through faith and prayer. Ultimately the hurt, rejection and denial lead to a sad and horrifying tragedy, but that’s not where the film ends.

The film then focuses on the mother and her long and exhausting struggle to understand and accept that her late son’s sexuality was incurable for the fact that’s how God made him. There was nothing to cure. Ultimately it’s a beautiful story of inner forgiveness and redemption.

Both the film and the book it was based on are a true story. Mary Griffith went on to be a mainstream ally for the LGBT movement, especially with PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbian and Gays). For me, the most moving part of this story was that Mary Griffith was no doubt a devout and faithful Christian and a good mother. She honestly felt she was looking out for her son and protecting his salvation. Sadly she believed in a way that was wrong but the only way she knew to be true as that what has always been proclaimed and preached to her. The amazing part of the story is that she kept her same faith throughout her journey…or better yet put, she deepened it. Meaning: she eventually recognized that the God she loves and worships is not a God of hate, bigotry and wrath, yet a God of love, compassion and mercy. This is why I’ve always believed that it’s sometimes easier to educate and soften the heart of a homophobic believer in faith than it is a homophobic non believer of faith, essentially in the theory that all you need to do is help open their eyes to see that the same Christ we believe and follow was God’s son of compassion, love, inclusion and peace not judgment, hate, out casting and vindictiveness.

I was saddened yet not surprised to learn that FOCUS ON THE FAMILY urged their supporters not to view this film and also said this film “cast Christians in an ugly role”. I honestly feel this film softened some of the realistic “ugliness” that so many bigot Christians live in and display so openly. So if FOF sees those roles as “ugly”…GOOD! That means there is hope for them because acceptance is always the first step!

In closing, this film is a “MUST SEE” for all, especially for families who have just learned or suspect a loved one is gay or lesbian. I encourage television networks and the motion picture industry to produce more films which tell the fraction of the LGBT story and history, such as this film, the recent “MILK”, “BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN”, etc.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009



Some more useful phrases would be...

1) ¡Lo quiero en mi cama! = I want him in my bed!

2) ¿Era tan bueno para usted mientras que estaba para mí? = Was it as good for you as it was for me?

3) ¿Puedo cocinarle desayuno y servirlelo en cama? = Can I cook you breakfast and serve it to you in bed?