WOW! Well I'm certainly not a Lifetime Network viewer but when I found out they made a Lifetime Original Movie, PRAYERS FOR BOBBY based on Leroy Aarons book...I knew I had to record and watch it.
This film is about a Walnut Creek, CA family in the last 70's/early 80's, particularly the mother Mary Griffith (Sigourney Weaver) and her gay son, Bobby Griffith (Ryan Kelley). The story it's self is unfortunately one we've heard over and over again...a young queer teen struggling to accept their homosexuality and finally mustering all inner strength to "come out" to their family, only to find no acceptance or support from the family or in this circumstance the Bible thumping mother who believes all homosexuality to be an abomination and curable through faith and prayer. Ultimately the hurt, rejection and denial lead to a sad and horrifying tragedy, but that’s not where the film ends.
The film then focuses on the mother and her long and exhausting struggle to understand and accept that her late son’s sexuality was incurable for the fact that’s how God made him. There was nothing to cure. Ultimately it’s a beautiful story of inner forgiveness and redemption.
Both the film and the book it was based on are a true story. Mary Griffith went on to be a mainstream ally for the LGBT movement, especially with PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbian and Gays). For me, the most moving part of this story was that Mary Griffith was no doubt a devout and faithful Christian and a good mother. She honestly felt she was looking out for her son and protecting his salvation. Sadly she believed in a way that was wrong but the only way she knew to be true as that what has always been proclaimed and preached to her. The amazing part of the story is that she kept her same faith throughout her journey…or better yet put, she deepened it. Meaning: she eventually recognized that the God she loves and worships is not a God of hate, bigotry and wrath, yet a God of love, compassion and mercy. This is why I’ve always believed that it’s sometimes easier to educate and soften the heart of a homophobic believer in faith than it is a homophobic non believer of faith, essentially in the theory that all you need to do is help open their eyes to see that the same Christ we believe and follow was God’s son of compassion, love, inclusion and peace not judgment, hate, out casting and vindictiveness.
I was saddened yet not surprised to learn that FOCUS ON THE FAMILY urged their supporters not to view this film and also said this film “cast Christians in an ugly role”. I honestly feel this film softened some of the realistic “ugliness” that so many bigot Christians live in and display so openly. So if FOF sees those roles as “ugly”…GOOD! That means there is hope for them because acceptance is always the first step!
In closing, this film is a “MUST SEE” for all, especially for families who have just learned or suspect a loved one is gay or lesbian. I encourage television networks and the motion picture industry to produce more films which tell the fraction of the LGBT story and history, such as this film, the recent “MILK”, “BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN”, etc.