Friday, February 6, 2009


So as you know, I'm leaving Southern California and moving to Virginia on Friday! I've totally procrastinated on a project I was hoping to have done by now! I wanted to make and awesome mix CD loaded with great songs which carry a GOODBYE/FAREWELL theme that I can give to all of my friends! I'm totally dead stumped on some track ideas and NEED YOUR HELP!

Do you know of some great songs with the appropriate them that I can add to this mix? I'm interested and open to all genres and time period! Please comment this post with as many recommendations that you have! PLEASE be sure to provide both the ARTIST AND SONG TITLE!


1 comment:

  1. I don' know if they fit in the "moving away" aspect, but:

    Hoppipolla by Sigur Ros
    Bittersweet Symphony bt Verve

    Both are beautiful songs that are catchy and soulful..might fit the mood of the CD
