As many of you know, I owned an iPhone made by Apple for a little over 4 months...it was the worse piece of shit that I had ever purchased in my life! I never liked Apple to begin with (which was my first mistake in purchasing an iPhone), I hated the company even more once I was done with the 24 hour process of getting a full refund on the device.
Anyhow, the shit company is at it still with "apps" (iPhone applications)...even on the newest released iPhone. Many people, such as myself have been anxiously awaiting the release of the invite only Google Voice, a single phone number with a mobile app that allows you to choose to where to ring! i.e. home, office, mobile and even all three at once! You can SMS from your Google Voice phone number, listen in on calls before accepting them, and even read your voice mail, transcribed...ALL FOR FREE! Sadly but not surprisingly, Apple rejected the Google Voice app. So those who own the second most expensive piece of shit on earth (first being a Ford) have no access to this free and fabulously convenient technology.
But this isn't where the story ends...several months ago Apple did approve and accept some apps for the iPhone. Here are two examples...
1) BABY SHAKER - A purchasable game (finally now pulled) for iPhone which used the device motion sensors. A crying baby appears on the screen and you shake your iPhone until a red "X" appears over the baby's eyes, thus telling you that you killed the baby. Society knows this as "Shaken Baby Syndrome".
2) iFARTED - Yes, a purchasable app that meters and rates your flatulence and allows you to share and compare results with other users.
So obviously there's a motive behind Apple rejecting the Google Voice app. Perhaps they will mimic the technology and charge iPhone owners a fee to download and use it. It's ridiculous. Now if you want to be able to download all the apps other device owners are able to such as Blackberry, HTC, Nokia, Palm, etc...you can pay someone (who may or may not know what they're doing) to "jailbreak" your iPhone, which then unlocks it to do things other phones have been able to do for years... unfortunately there is no guarantee to how this will effect your phone and it does void your Apple warranty.
I'm proud of staying out of the phone technology craze. The baby shaker app is outrageous, though.