I'm a longtime fan of football at large, especially the NFL. I was no different than other young football loving boys who though at one time, "maybe I have what it takes". You grow up to learn that those who play professionally have more than a love for the sport, they have a gift and are given the privilege of playing on an NFL team. I can't even begin to tell you how many NFL players helped shape my childhood...without ever coming into contact with me. I looked up to these "stranger" as role models and in a sense, a mentor. Unfortunately as I got older, the NFL started to look less grand and encouraging as it did to me as a child. All of a sudden there are scandals, cheating, criminal activity, etc. For the most part, these problems work themselves out over time. You might not agree with the length of time it takes or what fans have to do to get the attention on the matter...but eventually good overtakes the bad...and you accept that as satisfactory.
But now we face an issue totally different, very, very disturbing. We face the violent criminal activity, evasion of truth, and manipulations of ex Atlanta Falcons quarterback, Michael Vick. After much lies and deceit, Michael Vick finally plead guilty to multiple accounts of animal abuse and neglect related to his dog fighting underground. One might not understand how he, or anyone takes a dog and turns them violent. The answer is constant barbaric physical and mental abuse...punching, hitting, electric shocking, cutting, drowning, kicking, starving of dogs...bringing them to a violent point of surviving. One might also not understand that the underground of dog fighting is not wagering on something like a boxing match where there's a possible knockout or judging of performance...no, a dog fight is a fight to kill. Two (and sometimes more) very violent, very abused, very neglected, very violent dogs are presented to each other where they fight until death. In many cases both die, as the "winner" dies later for severe loss of blood, infection, torn muscles and or ligaments, broken bones, eternal bleeding, shock, and so on. Michael Vick wasn't just a participant in this activity, he was a long time coordinator and master mind.
In 2007 he was arrested. While free on bail he tested positive to narcotics in a drug test. Vick repeatedly lied about any participation in his activities to the NFL Commissioner...later he finally plead guilty in court. He was given a light prison sentence of 2 years which he served. After being released from prison, talk immediately started to buzz on Vick's return to the NFL. Now, months later he is reinstated, signed as quarterback and waiting for his light terms to end so he can play. This has caused outrage. The African American community immediately came to Vick's aid...almost deeming that it would be racist to not reinstate Vick. Other supporters of the dog-murderer quote deceased, crime affiliated rap artists such as Tupac Shakur, saying "Only God Can Judge Me". On the other side of the fence there are rational people such as myself who see a VIOLENT, LYING, MANIPULATING, CARELESS, ASSHOLE being privileged to regain play and status in the NFL. What people fail to understand is this is not a second chance....Vick received his second chance when he was released from prison. End of story. There should be no talk of second chance in the NFL...he blew that when he did what he did. I compare it to a violent felon who is released from prison and wants to join the military, police department, fire department, etc. Those are civic duties of privilege and responsibility, and though the NFL is much different than civic occupation, it too is a position of privilege and responsibility. It should never have allowance or tolerance for violent offenders such as rapists, murders, pedophiles, dog killers.
What turns this even more into a tail spin is when two years ago, Philadelphia Eagles owner, Jeffrey Lurie stated:
"We're very disciplined in what we stand for...a few years ago we had a couple players who were, to put this nicely, not very respectful of their dogs. Well, we don't respect that. We don't do that. And they were gone from the team almost immediately if not immediately. That sets a tone, that these kinds of attitudes are unacceptable."
But now, Michael Vick is signed on a quarter back of Mr. Lurie's team, with the possibility of making $1.6 million in his first season.
I have no doubt that his has nothing to do with publicity, it has to do with money...greedy desperation to hire some good playing low-life to possibly bring your team to a win. People are primarily upset with the Eagle's where I'm even more upset with the NFL for allowing this man to play for ANY TEAM. And in that realization, for the first time in my life...I will FULLY boycott the NFL...including my beloved Greenbay Packers. I will not watch a game, I will not attend a game, I will not buy merchandise and I will loudly and publicly voice my strong and unfailing opposition the NFL until Michael Vick is removed. This hurts, this hurts bad but I have to stand up to this, EVERYONE MUST STAND UP TO THIS! If the man failed to pay parking tickets, got drunk at a party and ran down the street naked, or something non violently offensive...I wouldn't be as opposed. But this is an abusive, convicted dog destroyer. Not someone who neglects a dog by not giving fresh water, cleaning up after them, or taking them to the vet when they need medical attention....THIS IS A MAN WHO FOR A VERY LONG TIME, TORTURED AND MUTILATED NUMEROUS DOGS ALL IN THE NAME OF MONEY.
Stand up for society, stand up for good justice, stand up for the protection of animals and STAND UP FOR THE SAKE OF COMMON SENSE....BOYCOTT THE NFL TODAY!
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