To my partner Paul, thank you for an amazing year...which was filled with new adventures, commitments, trials which were overcome, new experiences and most especially a deep growth in our love. This new year, I walk hand and hand with you into new goals, prosperity, deeper bonding and much happiness!
To my family, both blood related and not. Thank you for your love, support and loyalty. You have all touched my heart in so many ways this year with suggestions, strength, and reassurance.
To my spiritual advisers, thank you for your faith in God, your faith in me. Thank you for your support in helping me see a bigger picture. You are all mentors to my soul in so many ways.
To my friends and acquaintances, thank you for your humor, laughter and support. Each of you complete a circle for me which makes life more fun, more lively, more exciting.
To my Twitter friends (Tweeps). Thank you for all of your tweets! Thank you for sharing 140 character or less briefs on your life and thank you for allowing me to share mine. It's because of all of you I see the visualization of true diversity...and it's beautiful!
To my clients, A BIG THANK YOU!
To each of you. May God bless you as we close the chapter in the first decade of this second millennium. May you and yours, find a year filled with happiness, good health, love and new dreams.
Eddie Weingart :)
Happy new year, Dude!