Sunday, April 25, 2010
I'm moving my blogging over to WordPress with the goal of blogging daily! Be sure to visiting Mister Dude's Blog and subscribe.
Monday, April 5, 2010

I received this article via email from a good friend of mine, Fr. Paul Breton, an independent Catholic priest and more often than not, an outspoken voice of objection to theology, statements and actions which come from the Holy See. This article was written by Sam Miller, a prominent Cleveland Jewish businessman - NOT a Catholic. This article is not about Pope Benedict XVI, the sexual abuse headlines from Europe, or even the grave actions made by United States bishops in the past which certainly didn't help the abuse which was taking place by certain priests. This article is about the constant stigma of stereotype labeled between Catholics and the sickness of pedophilia. Every Catholic should read this article. Every non-Catholic should read this article.
Why would newspapers carry on a vendetta on one of the most important institutions that we have today in the United States , namely the Catholic Church?
Do you know - the Catholic Church educates 2.6 million students everyday at the cost to that Church of 10 billion dollars, and a savings on the other hand to the American taxpayer of 18 billion dollars. The graduates go on to graduate studies at the rate of 92%.
The Church has 230 colleges and universities in the U.S. with an enrollment of 700,000 students.
The Catholic Church has a non-profit hospital system of 637 hospitals, which account for hospital treatment of 1 out of every 5 people - not just Catholics - in the United States today
But the press is vindictive and trying to totally denigrate in every way the Catholic Church in this country. They have blamed the disease of pedophilia on the Catholic Church, which is as irresponsible as blaming adultery on the institution of marriage.
Let me give you some figures that Catholics should know and remember. For example, 12% of the 300 Protestant clergy surveyed admitted to sexual intercourse with a parishioner; 38% acknowledged other inappropriate sexual contact in a study by the United Methodist Church , 41.8% of clergy women reported unwanted sexual behavior; 17% of laywomen have been sexually harassed.
Meanwhile, 1.7% of the Catholic clergy has been found guilty of pedophilia. 10% of the Protestant ministers have been found guilty of pedophilia. This is not a Catholic Problem.
A study of American priests showed that most are happy in the priesthood and find it even better than they had expected, and that most, if given the choice, would choose to be priests again in face of all this obnoxious PR the church has been receiving.
The Catholic Church is bleeding from self-inflicted wounds. The agony that Catholics have felt and suffered is not necessarily the fault of the Church. You have been hurt by a small number of wayward priests that have probably been totally weeded out by now.
Walk with your shoulders high and you head higher. Be a proud member of the most important non-governmental agency in the United States . Then remember what Jeremiah said: 'Stand by the roads, and look and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is and walk in it, and find rest for your souls'. Be proud to speak up for your faith with pride and reverence and learn what your Church does for all other religions. Be proud that you're a Catholic.
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Last night my friend Emily was hosting a surprise going away party for a friend who's preparing to leave on a work assignment for 4 months. I rode over with friends Tracy and Preston around 20:00 and my partner Paul met up with us at the party around 22:30, after he got off work. In total, around 16-20 people showed up. Of course we ate and began the drinking...
All in all past the evening and into the early morning it was a lot of fun. I met some new people who we're really cool. Of course with the drinking, people became more uninhibited and "free spirited". As many of you may know, I'm a total social butterfly. I love to float around talking to people, cracking jokes, snapping pictures, starting games, initiating "shot time", etc. At some point in the early morning I had ventured into Emily's bedroom which is a common place we "regulars" congregate for a quick get away or to be silly, etc. Emily's friend Ally and a young Navy guy named Alex were laying in bed. My partner Paul was standing over the foot of the bed and everyone seemed drunk and giggly. Ally was telling us how big Alex's cock was...and of course me the instigator thought that was funny and told her, "then we want to see". Paul then told me that he had tried to (I can't remember the word for the life of me) him up. I just assumed he meant that Alex had tried to make a move on him or something like that...which is totally OK and in our comfort level as a couple. We're not closed minded with each other and typically not the jealous type. In fact at that moment I was thinking, this is even better. It might be easy to get this Navy boy to take his clothes off. Alex sat up quickly and told Paul, "come here". Paul had some hesitation and again Alex said, "come here". He then gave Paul a kiss on the cheek. I then said, "awe, I want one too" and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
At some point after this Alex got up and left the room. Paul then told me again that Alex tried to (...and again I can't remember that work). This is where I became confused. I asked him, "He tried to kiss you?" and he said "no, he grabbed me by the neck of the shirt". I was instantly taken back and continued to get more details. From what I understand, Alex aggressively grabbed Paul by the neck of the shirt and got in his face and told him, "I'm not a fucking faggott, I'm straight." I instantly became outraged. By this time a few more people came into the room and someone removed Alex from the room. I then began to tell everyone present what had happened and how it's absolutely unacceptable.
For anyone who knows me, you know one good thing about me, and that's that you NEVER hurt someone I love. Whether that be a family member, close friend, pet...let a lone my lover.
By this point everything had become so comotional and I left the room for a moment. When I came back in Ally, Paul, Alex, and another person named Dee were in the room. I then began to tell Alex that he had seriously crossed the line. I explained to him that nobody ever places their hands on someone I love. He then became irate. He told me things like, "you don't fucking understand...I've had issued with my bisexuality...I can't help it...I'm drunk...the Navy installed me to think this way". This all made me more upset for the fact it's a bunch of bullshit. I grew up around homophobia, I struggled with my own sexuality, I've been through trauma as a child, I watched my mother killed by a 12 guage shotgun by her psychologically, unstable lover....but NEVER has that given me the right to aggressively attack someone, especially if they're gay.
Finally people stood in front of me because in all honesty, I was about to lay this guy out - face first on the floor. A few people drug him outside while others talked to me. They told me to forget about him, etc. Emily came in and told me it was bullshit. And that if anybody has an issues with her friend's lifestyle then they're not welcome in her home. She went on to apologize. Ally and John then came into tell me that he's outside crying his eyes out. I told them I don't care. Ally then got carried away making up excuse after excuse for this guy Alex. Sadly, Ally is married and Alex is someone she has sex with on the side. They we're all over each other at the party and she told us earlier in the evening how they have "hooked up" before. So it is with no wonder that she want this guy back in the house. We all finally calmed down (myself included) and I was told he had left.
About 30 minutes later I was looking for Paul and could not find him. I asked around and some people said he was in Emily's room. When I went in there, there's Alex laying in bed with him. I then became upset again. Everything then turned loud again and I finally concluded "he goes or I go". The answer didn't come soon enough so I took off. The guy Dee mentioned earlier, ran out after me and stopped me outside. He told me it was all unacceptable and to come back inside and he will make sure Alex leaves. Reluctantly I when back upstairs and everyone is shouting back and forth. I yelled out, "I'm out of here" and left. I walked home 1.5 miles in 20 degree temperatures in snow, ice and wind....WITH HOUSE SLIPPERS ON! I made it home safely.
Unfortunately the drama continues from here more...but I won't get into that as it's all too exhausting. I will say that when we got home, Paul told me that Ally told him, "Fuck Eddie, he's just jealous" I sent her husband and email on Facebook saying that he may or may not know she's sleeping around...but the guy she is sleeping around with attacked my partner....and it's not cool.
Please tell me what you think of all this mess? I'm exhausted by it all and the only positive thing that comes from it is my thoughts walking all the way home. I conclude that not everyone in your life is who they seem to be. Don't leave yourself vulnerable. Stand up for what is right. If you defend and justify hate, your are no are hate too.
Thursday, December 31, 2009

To my partner Paul, thank you for an amazing year...which was filled with new adventures, commitments, trials which were overcome, new experiences and most especially a deep growth in our love. This new year, I walk hand and hand with you into new goals, prosperity, deeper bonding and much happiness!
To my family, both blood related and not. Thank you for your love, support and loyalty. You have all touched my heart in so many ways this year with suggestions, strength, and reassurance.
To my spiritual advisers, thank you for your faith in God, your faith in me. Thank you for your support in helping me see a bigger picture. You are all mentors to my soul in so many ways.
To my friends and acquaintances, thank you for your humor, laughter and support. Each of you complete a circle for me which makes life more fun, more lively, more exciting.
To my Twitter friends (Tweeps). Thank you for all of your tweets! Thank you for sharing 140 character or less briefs on your life and thank you for allowing me to share mine. It's because of all of you I see the visualization of true diversity...and it's beautiful!
To my clients, A BIG THANK YOU!
To each of you. May God bless you as we close the chapter in the first decade of this second millennium. May you and yours, find a year filled with happiness, good health, love and new dreams.
Eddie Weingart :)
Friday, November 6, 2009

As many of you know I'm in love with photography! I've begun a new Flickr group called iPAL, Influence: Pride and Love. It's a group for other photography buffs in the LGBT community to share such influential photo work as well as discussions, tips, and more! If you're on Flickr, please head over to iPAL and join!
marriage equality,
Friday, October 30, 2009
The blog post regarding "The Drama" has been deleted. We went to court this afternoon as the Complainant, with my case as Defendant to be heard on Monday. Today the Defendant was found Not Guilty based on my blog post in which I was told by the judge, "I took the law into my own hands by posting the blog". Whatever. My Defendant case was dismissed by the Complainant. Paul and I are just glad this is all over so we can move on with our lives with the people who love and care about us. Thanks for all your support.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
I'd be lying if I said the following video "isn't funny" but it's also quite sad. A black woman on a MUNI bus in San Francisco mouth off to an angry Chinese woman, she then hit the Chinese woman...and lets just say that the Chinese woman kicks her ass.
public transportation,
san francisco,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
5'10" + 125 lbs = TOO FAT?

This is just disturbing and disgusting. I ran across this article from Yahoo's Shine after a friend posted it on his Facebook wall. What is society coming too? Read it for yourself and tell me what you think!
"For over 42 years we have built a brand based on quality and integrity. After further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman's body. We have addressed the problem and going forward will take every precaution to ensure that the caliber of our artwork represents our brand appropriately."
Unfortunately,"addressing the problem," may have included firing the model, 23-year-old Filippa Hamilton. She is 5'10" and weighs 120 lbs--clearly more full-bodied than the Photoshopped girl we see in the advertisement. Though Hamilton has modeled for Ralph Lauren since she was 15, the company let her go "as a result of her inability to meet the obligations under her contract with us." But the story gets worse: Hamilton says she was let go because she'd become too fat to model for them. "They fired me because they said I was overweight and I couldn't fit in their clothes anymore," she explained. "I was shocked to see that super skinny girl with my face...It's very sad, I think, that Ralph Lauren could do something like that."
Most of us know that a tall, young woman who weighs 120lbs is not overweight. But Hamilton claims Ralph Lauren was dissatisfied with her body, and, therefore, fired her six months ago. However, the company continued to use her image, whittling down her arms, waist, thighs, and possibly several other body parts in the above ad. If they were so unhappy with how she looked, why not get another model for the campaign? Why use the photos and alter and distort them?
Today, Ralph Lauren himself is distancing himself from the ad, claiming, "The image in question was mistakenly released and used in a department store in Japan and was not the approved image which ran in the U.S." So we're confused. They say the Photoshopping was an error, that Hamilton is "beautiful and healthy," yet they allegedly fired her for her size? With all these apologies and statements it sounds like the brand still has yet to accept responsibility for their actions.
Today, Ralph Lauren himself is distancing himself from the ad, claiming, "The image in question was mistakenly released and used in a department store in Japan and was not the approved image which ran in the U.S." So we're confused. They say the Photoshopping was an error, that Hamilton is "beautiful and healthy," yet they allegedly fired her for her size? With all these apologies and statements it sounds like the brand still has yet to accept responsibility for their actions.
When I searched for more images of Filippa Hamilton, I instantly remembered her--she was the face of RL's fragrance, Romance, has been featured on the cover of international editions of Vogue and Elle, along with many ads. She's a gorgeous woman. "I think they [Ralph Lauren] owe American women an apology, a big apology," says Hamilton. "I'm very proud of what I look like, and I think a role model should look healthy."
The truth is, models get fired or overlooked all the time for being what the industry considers overweight, we just rarely see or hear about it. Eating disorders are not only common among models, they're common among the women and young girls who emulate them. We're happy to see that Hamilton has come forward, and wish more models and celebrities would do the same. It's awesome and empowering when stars admit they've been Photoshopped for an ad or movie poster and say how dissatisfied they are about it. With foreign countries banning underweight models from fashion week, and the increasing presence of "plus size" models in women's magazines, we wish the unhealthy representation and falsified depiction of models--and women--would come to an end entirely. Do you think the day will ever come?
The truth is, models get fired or overlooked all the time for being what the industry considers overweight, we just rarely see or hear about it. Eating disorders are not only common among models, they're common among the women and young girls who emulate them. We're happy to see that Hamilton has come forward, and wish more models and celebrities would do the same. It's awesome and empowering when stars admit they've been Photoshopped for an ad or movie poster and say how dissatisfied they are about it. With foreign countries banning underweight models from fashion week, and the increasing presence of "plus size" models in women's magazines, we wish the unhealthy representation and falsified depiction of models--and women--would come to an end entirely. Do you think the day will ever come?
filippa hamilton,
ralph lauren,
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Yup, you read the title go check out this awesome and well done video that my friend Stephen posted on his Facebook. The kids definitely a hottie to for an added bonus! :D
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Over the last couple of hours I have been bombarded in emails and messages on sites such a Twitter and Facebook with comments regarding my last post, NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD BOYCOTT THE NFL. Many people shared my understanding and disgust, but some others don't understand "what the big deal is all about". So I had to take some time to come up with a general, deatailed conclussion...and I hope this helps...
First of all you need to ask yourself if you believe, support and promote the protection of Animals. This doesn't mean you have to identify as some radical, PETA supporting activist. But ask yourself the following questions:
1) Do I own an animal as a pet?
2) Do I believe they are dependent on humans?
3) Is there life less important than other lives dependant on people, i.e. children, senior citizens, minorities?
4) How serious is animal abuse and killing animals to me?
Now let me compare this controversial situation to something that may better help your relate to what's going on.
- I'm a proud, loving parent of children. An NFL player takes my child(ren) and abuses them by means of beating, kicking, drowning, electricution, starvation, cutting, stabbing, choking, strangling, then joins others in wagering money and valuables on the chanches of their survival. This NFL player is caught, lies over and over to his commisioner, authorities and court. Is sentenced lightly to 23 months in prison, gets out and is quickly reinstated by the NFL later to be signed by a team as quarterback. How does this make me feel? Am I outraged? Should he be privelaged to play professionally in a way that so many people look up to him?
- I'm an African American. An NFL player takes a fellow African American and abuses them by means of beating, kicking, drowning, electricution, starvation, cutting, stabbing, choking, strangling, then joins others in wagering money and valuables on the chanches of their survival. This NFL player is caught, lies over and over to his commisioner, authorities and court. Is sentenced lightly to 23 months in prison, gets out and is quickly reinstated by the NFL later to be signed by a team as quarterback. How does this make me feel? Am I outraged? Should he be privelaged to play professionally in a way that so many people look up to him?
- I'm a Gay or Lesbian person. An NFL player takes a fellow Gay or Lesbian person from my community and abuses them by means of beating, kicking, drowning, electricution, starvation, cutting, stabbing, choking, strangling, then joins others in wagering money and valuables on the chanches of their survival. This NFL player is caught, lies over and over to his commisioner, authorities and court. Is sentenced lightly to 23 months in prison, gets out and is quickly reinstated by the NFL later to be signed by a team as quarterback. How does this make me feel? Am I outraged? Should he be privelaged to play professionally in a way that so many people look up to him?
- I'm a friend or family member of somebody with a disability. An NFL player takes my diabled friend or family member and abuses them by means of beating, kicking, drowning, electricution, starvation, cutting, stabbing, choking, strangling, then joins others in wagering money and valuables on the chanches of their survival. This NFL player is caught, lies over and over to his commisioner, authorities and court. Is sentenced lightly to 23 months in prison, gets out and is quickly reinstated by the NFL later to be signed by a team as quarterback. How does this make me feel? Am I outraged? Should he be privelaged to play professionally in a way that so many people look up to him?
- I'm a lover of animals and own one or several. I believe in protecting them since they are dependent on me. I believe they are living, breathing creatures that feel love, fear, pain and stress. An NFL player takes one of my animals and abuses them by means of beating, kicking, drowning, electricution, starvation, cutting, stabbing, choking, strangling, then joins others in wagering money and valuables on the chanches of their survival. This NFL player is caught, lies over and over to his commisioner, authorities and court. Is sentenced lightly to 23 months in prison, gets out and is quickly reinstated by the NFL later to be signed by a team as quarterback. How does this make me feel? Am I outraged? Should he be privelaged to play professionally in a way that so many people look up to him?
This is how me an MANY OTHER PEOPLE feel. We understand he "did his time", whether that was enought time for such a horrific act, that's not the point. What is the point is that this violent, lying human being is being privelaged to play in a sport where so many people look up to the players as role models, mentors and leaders. The world sees it as, "they were only dogs". There is no way in hell the NFL would reinstate a player in one of the above mentioned scenarios.
Think about this! Discuss this! Discern it! Pray about it! THIS IS JUST PLAIN WRONG!
Michael Vick,
Philadephia Eagles,
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